HI5 Redemption Recycling
We can weigh or count your Hi5 containers 7 days a week including holidays from 7:00 am to 7:30 pm.
We pay cash and do not close for lunch.
Poseidon: GreenMax PET bottle recycling
We use cutting-edge machinery to re-cycle plastic bottles. A major problem with bottle re-cycling is liquids left in the bottles. Plastic bottles need to be dry to enter the re-cycling stream, and emptying each bottle by hand would be prohibitively expensive and time-consuming.
Our Poseidon liquid-expressing and compacting machine makes the work a snap. Toss the bottles into the machine and they come out the other end one-sixth the volume with from 85% – 95% of the liquid removed.
All Containers Need to Be Clean and Empty
What Can I Redeem?
Empty Hi5 beverage containers. We can also recycle your non-Hi5 items. We do not accept milk or wine and hard liquor containers.
Is it Better to Weigh My Containers on the Large Load Scale?
It may not be as accurate but it is faster. The larger the load, the smaller the margin of error. It may be to your advantage to separate your large and small plastic containers.
Can I Count My Containers at Home?
Yes, however, by law we have to count or weigh to verify the amount. We will gladly count any amount you may have.
Can I Crush My Containers?
We accept empty crushed Hi5 containers. The reverse vending machines accept only un-crushed containers.
Do I Need to Remove the Covers for My Containers?
No. just be sure the containers are empty.
How Do We Get Paid?
Our cashier will pay with cash no matter how much it is.
What Do You Consider a “Small” Plastic Container?
A container that is 16.9 oz or less.The largest Hi5 is 2 liters. Containers larger than 2 liters are not Hi5.
Call Us if You Have Any Questions
Please feel free to call us for more information on any of our services, or to schedule an appointment.